December 14, 2016


Health experts from across Africa have expressed dismay at the failure by Uganda’s government to stem the tide of skilled health workers leaving the country for greener pastures.

They voiced their disappointment during the third Congress of the African Health System Governance network (ASHGOVNET) in Kampala last week. The congress was held under the theme,“Fostering capacity for health governance and leadership with a focus upon health work development.”

The health experts argue that if the current hemorrhage of the country’s workforce continues unchecked, it will be extremely difficult for Uganda to fulfill its commitment to regional and global Human Resources protocols such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) Workforce 2030 Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health to which Uganda subscribes.





A normal medical surgical theatre on the continent of Africa.


“It is disappointing that officials at Uganda’s ministry of Health (MOH) evaded all our efforts to discuss the extent of the problem of medical brain drain in this country and the possible measures to bring it under control,” said Dr Patrick Kadama, the executive director of the African Platform on Human Resources for Health (APHRH), an NGO committed to the fight against brain drain on the African continent.

Uganda subscribes to the road map for scaling up human resources for health for improved health service delivery in the African region 2012-2025, which was adopted by African health ministers three years ago in Angola. But experts say the evident apathy towards brain drain means health improvement targets are unlikely to be met.

“No one seems to care when health workers exit this country. When you express worry about the problem to MOH officials, they tell you there is a capacity to replace those who have migrated, when it is actually not true,” said the president of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences, Dr Nelson Sewankambo.



A Self-Styled African Spritual leader from the Tribal State of Acholi, Uganda, is a fake:


Mr Severino Lukoya walks out of Gulu Central Police Station last year after briefly being detained following the death of a child at his temple.

Posted 5 February, 2017




From casting himself as the untouchable almighty god (Lubanga Won) in late 1980s, it now required the intervention of an earthly police force in Agago District to save the father of late Holy Spirit Movement leader Alice Auma Lakwena from an angry mob.

The mob accused Mr Severino Lukoya Kibero, a self-proclaimed prophet, of preaching what they termed as false prophesies in their area and wanted to lynch him.

Mr Lukoya had travelled with his team of ministers to Kalongo Town Council to conduct door-to-door prayers, claiming that God had sent him to cleanse the area. Mr Lukoya is the leader of the New Jerusalem Tabernacle Church in Gulu Municipality where he preaches a mixture of Acholi traditional religion, Christianity and Islam.

It’s reported that before Mr Lukoya could embark on ‘redeeming’ prayer sessions, hundreds of angry residents confronted him and he was only rescued by the police who whisked him away to safety in neighbouring Pader District, several miles away.

Mr Albert Onyango, the Agago District police commander said: “Residents hate him because of the past rebellion his daughter led. They also believe Lukoya is a cult leader whose presence brings bad omen.”

Mr Onyango said Mr Lukoya’s activities in Agago District were in violation of a district council resolution that barred setting up of any prayer shrines.

“I think it is time Lukoya realised that he is not wanted in the district. This is the fourth time in less than two years that people are attempting to kill him,” Mr Onyango said.

Earlier last week, Mr Lukoya had told Sunday Monitor in an interview that God had called him out to walk on foot and do a door-to-door preaching until he covers the entire country.

“God wants peace to prevail in Uganda. He wants everyone to accept His word,” Lukoya said.

This is not the first time Lukoya’s activities are being stopped by residents and district leaders in Acholi sub-region for fear that his preaching could brainwash young people into another rebellion.



After the defeat of Lakwena, Mr Lukoya launched another Holy Spirit Movement in Acholiland. But unlike Lakwena, Mr Lukoya didn’t attract the same big following as his daughter. He surrendered to the government in 1989, but has continued to re re-emerge from time to time.

In August 2011, Mr Lukoya and his followers survived death when residents hurled stones at them injuring him and his followers in Mucwini Kitgum District. In March 2015, police in Gulu District arrested Mr Lukoya over an illegal assembly after he and his church members stormed Gulu Town and disrupted traffic and businesses.

In August 2014, authorities in Kitgum District demolished Lukoya’s temple after complaints that a paralysed man had died while being prayed for there.

In 2008, Mr Lukoya was arrested on accusation that he wanted to revive his daughter’s Holy Spirit Movement rebel outfit. But the High Court acquitted him and awarded him Shs13 million in damages for malicious arrest.



kyuka eyakole

ddwa mu ntambula ya bbaasi ereese obwezi

goolo mu basaabaze

By Eria Luyimbazi

Added 13th December 2016

Abamu ku basaabaze nga balwanira bbaasi

EKIRAGIRO ky’okusengula bbaasi ezimu okuva mu paaka ya Qualicel ey’omugagga Drake Lubega ereetedde abasaabaze abamu okubuzibwabuzibwa ne babulako entambula okugenda gye balaga.

 Kino kyadiridde  akakiiko akavunanyizibwa ku by’entambula

 n’okuwa bbaasi layisinsi Transport Licensing Board (TLB)  okuyisa ekiragiro egiggya bbaasi ezikwata mu bugwanjuba

 n’obukikakono mu paaka ya Qualicell  ne balekamu ezidda mu buvanjuba.

Embeera eno ereetedde paaka ya Qualicell okusigalamu kampuni za bbaasi nnya zokka okuli YY Coaches, Gateway, Kampala Hopper, Teso Coach  ne Kakise  okuba nga zezitikiramu

 abasaabaze ng’endala zalagiddwa okugenda mu paaka ya Namayiba ne Kisenyi Bus Terminal.

Nathan Ssemujju  akolera mu kkampuni ya YY agambye nti ekiragiro kino kikosezza nnyo abali mu mulimu gw’okusaabaza abantu mu mu kiseera kino bangi bakonkomalidde mu paaka tebalina mmotoka zibatwala kuba ezisinga zigyiddwa mu paaka.

“ Ekiragiro ekyayisiddwa  nga kiggya bbaasi ezemu mu paaka ya Qualicell kitumenya kuba kati paaka nkalu nga temuli mmotoka zitwala basaabaze era eziriwo bali mu kuzirwanira tusaba abaakiyisizza bakikyuseemu” Ssemujju bwe bwategeezezza.

Agambye nti mu paaka ya Qualicell musigaddemu baasi 32 zokka songa luli mubaddemu ezisoba mu 150 nga abasAabaze bali mu kutataganyizibwa

  ekisusse nga kyetagisa okukomyawo baasi ezimu.

My Ugandan father’s differed dreams of 1962 after the long awaited independence of Uganda:

Written by Yusuf Sserunkuma



Yusuf Serunkuma (L) with his late father Hassan Byekwaso Tibamanya and a very young relation behind.


When I wrote about my father about two years ago, I sought to comment on several items, but specifically, the differed dreams of independence – the promise of modernity – and the ruinous staggerings of the 1986 group onwards.

I noted that my father’s story – of retrenchment from Nyanza Textile Industries (Nytil) in the early 1990s – echoes many others across Buganda, Busoga and most parts of Eastern Uganda.


Titled “When the World Bank visited my father,” I stressed that for all these Ugandans that had quickly cosmopolitanised – specifically those that had left tilling the land for labour in factories and the service industry concentrated mostly in Jinja and some parts of Kampala – their story was one of disappointment when the World Bank and IMF insisted on privatising parastatals.

I will say one more time, Ugandans are neither lazy nor unlucky. Not at all. It is not true either that they are lacking in business acumen or entrepreneur skills. But privatisation/ structural adjustment –– whose ruins we are yet to fully appreciate –– visited Uganda riding on the insecurities and inferiority complex of the NRA/NRM, and has turned natives into paupers and beggars, who are now running en masse into slave relations in the Middle East.

Wherever IMF and World Bank found insecure, non-ideologically grounded folks in government – like it happened in Uganda – they ran riot. Remember many countries, especially in North Africa, Ethiopia under Meles Zenawi, and all of Asia refused to implement these clearly selfish and stupid policies.

Confident leaders in other parts of Africa (such as Tanzania, Kenya to a small extent) found ways of remodelling those policies, making sure to create room for native businessfolk and industries. And with change of leaderships, came even more recovery. For Uganda, as their friend, Prof Mahmood Mamdani has noted, these former NRA rebels only recently arrived from the bush simply saw a chance to eat, and wantonly auctioned the country – to this day.


In telling my father’s story, I noted that my old man fell on bad times after the privatisation of Nyanza Textile Industries He was among the ‘retrenched,’ as they euphemised sacking labourers en masse. Like all other retrenched, these bad times affected his immediate and extended family relations – and have continued down the years.

Comrade Hassan Byekwaso Tibamanya, so was my father’s name, before leaving the ruins of Jinja for the countryside after retrenchment, had tried sketching an existence as a seller of cut and peeled sugarcane and, sometimes, boiled maize. But this was a man who, after 22 years in Nytil, had grown to the rank of a senior weaver. Earlier, after a five-year stint with Printpack, he had been trained in industrial paper-manufacture.

Now, he had to learn hustling the street at 50 years of age. It was difficult. Having left the countryside around Lake Kyoga in 1964 – two years after independence – after almost 30 years in urbanised and industrialised Jinja, neither tilling the land nor fishing was attractive anymore.

Amidst the confusion, he determined to soldier on with life in the city. Yes, as the World Bank and IMF were harassing these peasant-led economies – without a single middle-class – to cheaply hand over their resources, industries and service sector to their corporations from the Western world. They destroyed all local dreams.

As Jinja was losing its glow, my father, who had acquired a great deal of sophistication and taste – he was very dandy and chic – also started losing all his flair. From an evening hanging out with co-workers with whom they had worked for the last two decades, he was now spending it alone after a long working day around Jinja town.


It was tough. We started moving houses, ending up in the slummy wetlands of Mafubira, a small town along Jinja-Kamuli road. I will never forget the image of this man returning from his vending routines, hungry and tired, and as soon as he slumped his tired bones on a chair, and leaned backwards, he would be snoring just a few moments later.

There was more pain coming: a year after retrenchment, the Indian- built, then fairly posh Main Street primary school, where three of his children studied, including myself, became unaffordable. If he managed the school fees, buying or repairing uniforms was slow.

I still recall the day, during class assembly, when a teacher called me by the side and ran his finger through a small hole – which was growing – through my pair of shorts and touched my butt and then calmly advised that I tell my parents to stitch it up.


Indeed, for years after retrenchment, in 1996, he moved to the villages of Mukono, closer to Kampala. About that time, he had turned to frying pancakes and vending them on a bike. Then, I had developed some wits, and watched him lose his smile and elegancy, but soldiered on.

My father’s story is true of many retrenched factory workers, folks in the service industry, early urbanites and other cosmopolitans. They could not return to the land – if there was any land to return to – but also didn’t know what to do with lands after decades of a different lifestyle and different ethic in the city.

So, they passed this lethargy, trauma and frustration to their offspring. We are the children of these men and women, and are trying to refashion our lives afresh.


Dear reader, this man, my father, passed away last week. He was 80 years old – and the joke he often told was that he was as old as Yoweri Museveni, but did not want to live too long and become a burden to people’s lives. It is difficult to say with certainty what my old man died from. I have decided to chasten myself with “old age.”

He, too, would agree with me. But a short history of his health locates the beginning of his troubles during the Covid-19 pandemic. Not the flu, but the vaccine. Yes, I am vaccinated myself. Comrade Hassan Byekwaso was very athletically built and spent most of his last 15 years on his bike vending vegetables in a radius of 10km – everyday, to the time of his death. (Even during the month of Ramadhan, which he insisted on never missing despite clear-cut exceptions).

I had never seen this man in hospital except for dental and hearing complications. But months after fully recovering from the Covid-19 flu, following intense publicity, the man went for the vaccine. Yes, I was vaccinated, too. But this man, 77 then, became sicker than had been during the flu.

His coughs became intense and chronic. There was no tuberculosis. More complications then emerged relating to his heart – it had become “musical” as one doctor put it.

A couple of weeks to his passing, he suffered a stroke, which put him in a wheelchair for some days. He then suddenly passed on in his bed. Indeed, at 80, many things are possible – and our Creator knows best. And as we say in the Islamic tradition, Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. (Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him, we return).

Dear reader, I tell my father’s story not to simply celebrate his life. We made many memories together. (I also mourn him –– and I am hiding in writing to not feel the depth of the void). But I want to remind ourselves of the frustrations and pains our parents, our generations and successful generations have to contend with.

My father never stopped talking about never being compensated for this wrongful retrenchment. But above that, the IMF and World Bank are still here – sticking to the same old policies – as is their ruinous co-conspirator, Yoweri Museveni. This man, whom we feed with our tax money, is endlessly insulting us as lazy people.

To my old man, we say: Qaddara Allahu wa ma sha’a fa’ala (Allah has decreed and whatever He wills, He does).

The author is a political theorist based at Makerere University.


"Ugandans are neither lazy nor unlucky. Not at all. It is not true either that they are lacking in business acumen or entrepreneur skills. But privatisation/ structural adjustment." Mr Yusuf it is alright indeed to have dreams whether nice or bad. For my own Daddy, he too was a hard working educated medical doctor together with my Mummy as a medical nurse. They were constantly moved about by the colonial protectorate government to slog themselves with African patients who had no latrines at home, no piped water in their homes etc. Work transfers during the 1930/40 as the Second World War broke for them it was Mulago, Jinja, Tororo, Mbale, Gulu, and back to Miti Ana(Mityana). Open lorries or third class railway carriages were the government official transport for Africans. That is what I can remember my friend Yusuf. These current NRM liberators were not yet born or some were babies. Ezikokolima gaali magi! These African pioneering medical staff wages as well recorded in government annuals was very minimal as compared to the fat wages of the white colonial doctors. They were certainly living in very bad dreams in their careers. Their nice dreams by 1960s was independence come what may. Omugenyi bwakyala akyaluka! These African pioneering medical staff wages, as well recorded in government annuals, was very minimal as compared to the fat wages of the white colonial doctors. Now fast forward 60 years to present days. NRM seems to have given up IMF and World Bank structural adjustments. Indeed nowadays most stubborn governments have given up on such economic maneuvering. Technology is not going to wait for IMF and World Bank as economic Gods, especially where people's lives are concerned. Unfortunately perhaps that is why this long serving NRM government for now many years and counting is determined to borrow money in the hope that the bazzukulu will later on have to foot the international and national debt payment bills!




The United States of America has advised its investors about the risks they will face in the East African country of Uganda: 


By World Media

The expensive building at Nsambya, Kampala that houses the Embassy of the USA


The USA Department of State has issued a stark warning to investors about the complexities of doing business in Uganda, sparking significant debate among investors and analysts.

According to the 2024 Investment Climate Statements: Uganda, the country offers significant opportunities due to its market economy, ideal climate, ample arable land, a young English-speaking population, and ongoing oil field developments containing at least 1.4 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

These factors present lucrative prospects for investors. However, the report highlights serious challenges that could deter potential investors.

“Persistent corruption, democratic backsliding, shrinking civic space, continued human rights violations, and potential instability ahead of the 2026 elections are major concerns, the report notes, adding that in 2023, Uganda showed economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, with improvements in industrial activity, services, and agricultural production.

Despite these gains, the country faced supply chain disruptions from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which kept fuel and commodity prices high. Inflation averaged 5.4 per cent in 2023, slightly above the Bank of Uganda’s (BOU) five per cent target.

The BOU maintained a high central bank rate of 10.25 per cent as of April 8 to control inflationary pressures. The fiscal year (FY) 2022/23 saw Uganda’s economy grow by 5.2 per cent, an improvement from 4.6 per cent in FY 2021/22. Foreign direct investment (FDI) surged by 79.2 per cent to $2.9 billion in 2023, with 75 per cent of inflows attributed to pre-first-oil investments in pipelines, earthworks, drilling, and transportation related to ongoing oil projects estimated to be worth $10 billion by the end of 2025.

The advisory notes that Uganda maintains a flexible trade and foreign exchange regime, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has supported the country with a $1 billion Extended Credit Facility (ECF) program approved in 2021. The IMF has released $870 million out of the total amount by March 2024, following Uganda’s implementation of reforms on increased social spending, debt sustainability, reduced corruption, and improved governance.

Despite these positive developments, the USA advisory underscores the potential risks of conducting business in Uganda. Endemic corruption, violence against human rights activists, media members, health workers, members of minority groups, LGBTQI+ persons, and political opponents are significant concerns.

These issues have been exacerbated by Uganda’s enactment of the Anti- Homosexuality Act (AHA) on May 29, 2023, which led to Uganda’s ineligibility for African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade preferences from January 1, 2024, due to gross human rights violations.

The advisory also points out that USA firms face competition from third-country companies that cut costs by disregarding environmental regulations and labor rights, dodging taxes, and engaging in bribery.

The closing of political and democratic space, poor economic management, growing sovereign debt, weak rule of law, and insufficient investment in health and education sectors add to the risks for investors, the advisory adds. Furthermore, shortages of skilled labour, a complicated land tenure system, and increased local content requirements hinder business growth and serve as disincentives to investment.

Uganda’s political environment adds another layer of uncertainty. President Yoweri Museveni, approaching the end of his current term in 2026, could run for another term, extending his rule beyond 40 years, the advisory notes. Previous elections have been marked by political violence and restrictions on democratic institutions.

The youth, comprising 77 per cent of the population, are increasingly vocal about their desire for change. On the legislative front, Uganda’s parliament has passed new laws and amended existing ones that impact the economy. These include the Income Tax Amendment Act, which introduced a five per cent Digital Services tax, the Competition Act, the Petroleum Supply (Amendment) Act, the National Sports Act, the Museums and Monuments Act, the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act, the Markets Act, the Financial Institutions (Amendment) Act, and the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

The last one led the World Bank to suspend all new funding to Uganda while assessing necessary mitigation measures to prevent discrimination against key populations in its assistance programs, according to the advisory.

In conclusion, while Uganda presents numerous opportunities for investors, the USA Department of State’s advisory emphasizes the need for careful consideration of the risks involved. Persistent corruption, human rights violations, political instability, and economic management issues present significant challenges.

Investors must weigh these factors carefully, balancing the potential for growth with the inherent risks in Uganda’s current political and economic landscape.


Increased Awareness of Risks

According to experts interviewed for this story, the advisory serves to heighten awareness among potential investors about the inherent risks associated with investing in Uganda. By highlighting issues such as persistent corruption, human rights violations, and political instability, the advisory helps investors make more informed decisions.

“Persistent corruption, democratic backsliding, and a closing of civic space, continued human rights violations, and potential for instability ahead of the 2026 elections should be considered by investors,” the report states.

Protection of Investor Interests

By pointing out the risks, the Department of State aims to protect the financial and reputational interests of American investors, according to experts. This is particularly important, given the potential for financial losses and reputational damage stemming from involvement in controversial projects or regimes.

“Potential financial and reputational risks resulting from endemic corruption as well as violence against human rights activists, media members, health workers, members of minority groups, LGBTQI+ persons, and political opponents,” the advisory warns.

Encouragement of Ethical Business Practices

The advisory may encourage American firms to adopt higher ethical standards and practices when doing business abroad. This can foster better corporate governance and adherence to human rights standards, potentially leading to a positive impact on local business practices.

Promotion of Stability and Reforms

Interviewed for this story, a political analyst said highlighting the challenges in Uganda could pressure the Ugandan government to implement necessary reforms to attract foreign investment. This could lead to improved governance, reduced corruption, and better protection of human rights, ultimately benefiting the country’s long-term development.

“The ECF conditions included the GOU’s implementation of reforms on increased social spending, ensuring debt sustainability, reducing corruption, and improved governance,” the report notes.


Potential Deterrence of Investment

One of the most significant drawbacks of the advisory is its potential to deter investment. Highlighting the risks could scare off potential investors, leading to reduced foreign direct investment (FDI) in Uganda, which could hamper economic growth and development.

“U.S. firms often find themselves competing with third-country firms that cut costs and win contracts by disregarding environmental regulations and labor rights, dodging taxes, and bribing officials,” the report highlights.

Economic Consequences for Uganda

The warning could exacerbate economic challenges in Uganda, experts warn, by limiting access to crucial foreign capital and technology. This could slow down the development of key sectors such as oil and gas, agriculture, and infrastructure, ultimately affecting job creation and economic diversification.

Diplomatic Strain

The advisory may strain diplomatic relations between Uganda and the United States of America. Such strain could lead to retaliatory measures from the Ugandan government, potentially affecting bilateral trade and cooperation on various fronts.

Overemphasis on Negative Aspects

While the advisory highlights significant risks, it may also overemphasize the negative aspects, overshadowing the potential opportunities for investment in Uganda. This could result in a skewed perception of the country’s investment climate, discouraging otherwise viable investment ventures.

“Uganda offers numerous opportunities for investors, according to the 2024 Investment Climate Statements,” the report acknowledges.

Impact on Local Businesses

Reduced foreign investment can also have a cascading effect on local businesses that rely on partnerships with foreign firms. This can affect supply chains, reduce market opportunities, and ultimately harm the local economy.


The Department of State’s advisory on investing in Uganda presents a nuanced picture, balancing the need for investor caution with the recognition of potential opportunities. While the advisory serves to protect investors and promote ethical business practices, it also risks deterring investment and exacerbating economic challenges in Uganda.


Of course the advisory service of the USA has done its best to advise its business citizens to go slow on investing in this country. Unfortunately African brutal dictoators know all that stuff. The Ganda have a saying in the way they see this world. Enswa bwezikyuusa amaaso nga nawe mukwata nswa okyuusa envubo! The African dictators have better ways to by-pass such international economic threats. For the Kingdom State of Buganda, it has been obedient enough to attend to NRM democratic elections now many years and counting. It does not deserve such nasty international economic sanctions! However this time round, as many wiser Ganda fraternity have given up attending NRM elections that are rigged, not free and fair, efforts are underway not again to participate in such constant corrupt elections now 40 years and counting. USA and all international countries are aware that the Kingdom state of Buganda is an autonomous African state that got its independence from the protection of Great Britain on the 8th of October, 1962.





The brutal Uganda Police force has warned the Public not to attend to the anti-corruption demonstrations as the long serving NRM political party fights corruption in its government:



By World Media


The Uganda Police spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke


Uganda police has issued a stern warning to the organisers of the anti-corruption demonstrations scheduled for next week Tuesday, July 23.

Police spokesperson Rusoke Kituuma said the ongoing mobilization efforts on social media calling for people to march to parliament are unclear about the specifics regarding time, direction, and lack transparency which can potentially result in disorder.

Unidentified organizers have been calling on citizens to gather on Kampala streets on July 23 and march to parliament to express their dissatisfaction specifically with the alleged theft and corruption exhibited by the now-sanctioned speaker of parliament Annet Anita Among and other MPs.


"Given the lack of transparency and potential for disorder, the police strongly warn against proceeding with this march," he stated. 

Rusoke said while the right to peaceful demonstration will be respected, the police will not tolerate any attempts to incite public disorder.

"Uganda Police Force is issuing a clear warning against attempts to incite violence or breach public order through uncontrolled demonstrations," Rusoke reiterated. 

He urged individuals who wish to exercise their rights, such as the right to assembly and demonstration, to collaborate with the police, saying this will ensure that the demonstrations are not hijacked by individuals with criminal intentions. 

"The right to a peaceful protest will be respected, but police will not tolerate attempts to incite public disorder," Rusoke affirmed.


"UPF urges persons who wish to exercise their rights to always work collaboratively with it to ensure that they don’t aid persons of ulterior motives to hijack these expressions to accomplish criminal intentions."

The police statement comes weeks after violent protests by Kenyan youths protesting against the Finance Bill and wasteful expenditure by the William Ruto government.

The youths took to the streets and stormed the parliamentary building forcing legislators to flee for dear life. The protesters vandalized the chambers before they torched part of the parliamentary building. At least 15 youths were gunned down by security forces.

If the normal citizens(wananchi) cannot approach their People's representative House to put forward their dissatisfaction, what should they do then? The country's problems seem to multiply forty years on, if the country of Uganda is becoming someone else's family home. It is my oil, it is my Army and Police, the various African tribal leaders are mine, it is my democratic elections, the official opposition is all mine, it is my national budget etc!




Candidate Museveni now President of Uganda for 40 years, spent over Shs 900bn in the recently finished national elections of 2021:

Political Plans are underway for him to stand for re-election come 2026, in this poor African country:



By World Media


Museveni waves to voters in Sironko in 2021


A report by the Alliance for Finance Monitoring (ACFIM) has indicated that President Yoweri Museveni as a candidate, spent over Shs 900 billion in the last 2021 presidential election.

The lowest-spending presidential candidate injected at least Shs 70 million into the election cycle, according to the ACFIM report. The report further estimates that a combined total of Shs 3.9 trillion (US$1bn) was pumped into electioneering activities for the 2021 general elections by political parties and candidates at presidential, parliamentary, and local government elections in the 146 districts of Uganda over a period of 15 months. 

This makes the 2021 general elections the most expensive ever in Uganda's history. Earlier in the 2016 election, a combined total of Shs 2.4 trillion is estimated to have been spent. Museveni extended his 35-year-old stronghold to power after he was controversially announced winner by the Electoral Commission after securing 5.85 million votes (58.64 per cent) against Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine's 3.48 million votes (34.83 per cent) amidst allegations of bribery, ballot stuffing, election violence and other electoral malpractices.

At the parliamentary level, the lowest spender used Shs 50 million, while the highest spender used over Shs 3.5 billion. At the district chairperson level, the lowest spender used Shs 50 million, while the biggest spender used over Shs 700 million. Most of the spending was directed towards cash donations and inducing voters to return the favour on the election day.

Now, the chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Simon Byabakama has called for the formulation of laws to regulate electoral financing. During the media engagement at Royal Suites, Bugoloobi, Byabakama said the commercialization of politics has become a cancer in the country’s democratic journey.

"We are informed that as of today [Thursday], if you want to contest for parliament, you will need not less than Shs 500 million on the lower side. This inevitably forces aspirants to look for these bags of money. Some even go to the extent of selling off their property in order to fund their political activities."

“If someone has sold his property and put this money in the electoral process, does he have the mindset of losing an election? You sell your property and sink in Shs 500 million, or Shs 1 billion? This is a danger to our process and progress as a country. This explains the temptation to bribe voters and so on. This defines some of the aspects of violence, bribery of voters, and others,” he said.

Byabakama noted that elections have winners and losers; candidates and their supporters must go to race expecting to either lose or win.

“Unfortunately, we do not yet have a campaign finance law in place that regulates how much money candidates or political parties are allowed to inject into the campaign; this is an area that requires urgent attention,” he said.


Conversely, Byabakama expressed his dismay over the growing forms of violence during or before elections. Byabakama said the majority must reject the violence being perpetuated by the minority. 

“People who perpetrate violence are individuals we need to identify and isolate so that they are dealt with in accordance with the law. We need to do this because nobody's going to do it for us as a nation. We can only thrive in whatever we do, live peacefully, leave our homes to our workplaces, and leave our children to school when we have a peaceful and secure country”

“The advent of violence during elections should be of concern to every individual in this country who feels that they have a stake in this country. When violence is perpetrated, it causes fear in the hearts and minds of some people, which results in some voters keeping away from the polling process. We need to build a culture of respect for the rule of law and following guidelines issued by the Electoral Commission,” he said.

He called upon stakeholders in the electoral process to denounce all forms of violence, be it physical or verbal, saying elections are not the primary reason for the existence of the country since people don't live, survive and prosper on only elections.


Lots of hot air. Is this dismay of national election commercialization by this re-elected Electoral Commission a very new aspect of NRM Electioneering?
Get over it my dear Byamukama. Efforts are already under way for the Kingdom state of Buganda not to participated in Uganda National Elections.
They are not free and fair. Those Ganda fraternity who are antagonizing the sick Ssabasajja of Buganda to lead them in such dodgy elections are trouble makers. Moreover the King of Buganda does not subscribe to voting in this military Republican state of Uganda!

This Electoral Commission, Mr Byamukama, a former judge, all along with his former co-worker Badru Kigundu have known that Uganda national democratic elections are, violent, biased, commercialized, not free and fair etc. Probably that is why military personnel are used to see to it that such highly competitive electioneering proceed peacefully. For this highly paid commission to come out shouting such a process to at once stop is like a policeman who has been running a racket to steal bicycles at Arua park, Kampala city. Afterwards this dodgy policeman comes out shouting for such flourishing business to stop at once for the good of this country!




How imperial USA, and colonial United Kingdom continue to hijack and kill local African human rights struggles:


Written by Yusuf Sserunkuma


Bobi Wine interacting with supporters in Mbale recently.


It cannot be true that the UK or the United States of America were waiting for the Uganda Parliament Exhbition to do something about corruption in Uganda.

That they didn’t know! They have many data collection and intelligence networks. It is also not true that to fight corruption in Uganda, one begins with some fringe newbies in this 38-year-old racket. Why not just down the tree that bears the poisoned fruits? But Agnes Nandutu, Moses Magogo, Anita Among, Amos Lugoloobi, and Mary Goretti Kitutu! Gen. Elweru may get an “honourable mention,” but is also generally a fringe actor.

What is true is that Ugandans are desperate for an end to Museveni’s empty autocracy and his corrupt co-conspirators. This explains our relentless street and online activism symbolised by folks such as Col Kizza Besigye, Bobi Wine, the People Power Movement.

Comrades such as Dr Spire Ssentongo, Agartha Atuhaire, Godwin Toko, Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, Kalundi Serumaga, Isaac Ssemakadde and several others.

Sadly, however, the violations of Museveni’s government are heavily funded and protected by the same forces (UK, EU, USA) that are now trying to appear like friends of the resistance. (And this is an old ugly trick). This is a grand hijack. Not support.

Sadly, in the eyes of many Ugandans, the UK and USA have managed to cut a hue as enemies of Yoweri Museveni — as far as human rights and corruption are concerned. Yet, both are on the same team playing against the ordinary Ugandan.

It is only through human rights violations, and grand corruption that the Western world — through their corporations — has managed to sustain its grip on our natural and human resources. Sadly, as a country, we are yet to develop the intellectual tools and public culture to confront them directly.

But what then do these antics and pretensions of sanctions mean? (a) It is leverage. When the Western powers appear to be fighting their worker, YKM, they are negotiating for something higher.  They want Museveni to do them a bigger job.

They thus jump onto the struggles of ordinary Ugandans and use them as bargaining chips. They will appear to embrace Col Kizza Besigye or Bobi Wine. They will reward Spire Ssentongo and Agartha Atuhaire and appear to push the same struggles. But it is all game.

(b) In other cases, embarrassed by their very committed worker YKM (as is the case of those working under YKM), they will force him to clean house to save them of the associational embarrassment. To this end, in appearing to sanction him or his workers, they are harassing Museveni to either change course himself or recruit new workers.

Indeed, it is arguable that sanctions are on the one hand a distraction, and on the other, a smart effort to ‘shock-absorb’ and reduce the impact of the activism itself. But they have to do so publicly by appearing like friends of the resistance.

One may ask: Ever since Western powers started sanctioning people that work for Museveni — past and present — what has changed or improved in the life of an ordinary Ugandan? Nothing.

It is my old position that Uganda, taking the image of an enslaved colonial enclave, is in the hands of quintessential House Negros entrusted by the masters in the Western world. The rest of us are the Field Negros. But I need to tell this analogy from the very beginning.

In American anti-slavery discourse, there is the image of a house negro and a field negro. While these two negroes are slaves to a master, who exploits and abuses them, the house negro lives a more comfortable life. As implied by their naming, they live in the house of the master and do not toil in the field.

The work in the house is lighter and cleaner than dirt and snakes in the fields. Oftentimes, the house negro could be put in charge of the field negroes and sometimes, gets to pass instructions to the folks working in the field.  

During the anti-colonial struggles, we had two camps of Africans: revolutionaries and compradors or collaborators. While folks in the Mau-Mau regiments or FRELIMO fought the coloniser, the comprador was happy to work with the coloniser — for small things such as being friends with a coloniser’s wife or promised travel to a European capital. Indeed, anti-colonial struggles had to fight colonial collaborators at the same time.

After independence, when the coloniser left, many African countries rightly fell in the hands of revolutionaries (1955-1985). But this did not last long as the late 1980s saw colonial-sponsored coups and so-called liberation wars, which ended in the return of comprador leaderships. Compradors are the House Negroes of the modern time.

The masters learned that indirect rule is even more effective when you do not appear on the continent at all. But tightly, remotely control the comprador African leader.

Sustained in power by the masters — who are hidden from the public view — who are sending guns and giving crumbs from their extraction of the country ($1 for every $24 extracted), the house negroes see themselves as having reached the Promised Land. Their lives are much better than the rest of the other wretcheds.

When they fall sick, they are treated in capitals in the Western world. They buy and wear designer clothes from the Western world. In all this, their wretched compatriots are endlessly finding ways of removing them. When the struggle against the comprador leaders intensifies, the European master comes to their rescue — cleverly, tactically.

They begin by joining the desperate fight of the wretcheds: they thus reward the ringleaders (Spire Ssentongo, Agartha Atuhaire) and bitterly sanction their workers. But in truth, they are negotiating with their workers to reform, and stop embarrassing them.

The author is a political theorist based at Makerere University.




It is unfortunate indeed that some of the African journalists make much more efforts to attack the Western powers of civilization in the hope that these modern good or bad human influences will just stop on the doors of the African continent. And as such brutal and corrupt African dictators can be left to govern the continent until Jesus comes back to earth. Such journalism is wishful thinking. It is wrong to compare the sovereignty of Africa with that of the field and house negroes of centuries ago. That sort of aggressive civilization has certainly disappeared from earth. The generations of such negroes are these days a very different cup of tea. The famous black Christian pastor did dream for them in that famous speach at Lincoln Memorial in Washington. If the black African human rights are up to now being stepped on and abused by fellow black and whites and stubborn colonialist, well whom can one blame? The East African country of Uganda it seems does not learn from experience. That is why the Kingdom state of Buganda is reluctant to continue to support national elections in this country that are not free and fair. The good citizens of this Kingdom state are better off staying at home on that day of national election. They should cook their meals, eat and go to sleep. The next day they should go back to their life occupations and continue to make themselves a peaceful living. One cannot see how the USA and the UK would interfere in such a determined human rights prospect. The problem of national election is like someone who puts in safe custody his or her treasures. After some 5 years time one comes back to collect the treasures and finds it all stolen or misused. And that is not only once but twice, thrice, quarce etc. etc. So then what would USA, UK, North Korea or Russia say about such an African state of business and investment. Indeed Yusuf and many Africans feel bad about such abuse.




The International Criminal Court in the Hague has found the African guerilla fighter Ongwen guilty of committing genocide in Acholi land, Uganda:

These are African tribal states that need more autonomy:

4th February, 2021

Written by URN

The African freedom fighter of the Acholi land, Uganda


The former guerilla commander of the Sinia Brigade of the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Dominic Ongwen has been found guilty on 61 of the 70 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court (ICC). 

Ongwen committed the crimes during attacks in Pajule IDP camp on October 10, 2003, Odek IDP camp on April 29, 2004, Lukodi IDP camp on May 19, 2004, and Abok IDP camps on June 29, 2004. 

Today, the ICC trial chamber nine composed of judges; Bertram Schmitt, Péter Kovács and  Raul Cano Pangalangan said that they found beyond any reasonable doubt that Ongwen is guilty of murder, attempted murder, torture, enslavement, outrages upon personal dignity, pillaging, destruction of property and persecution of civilians. All the crimes were committed in the context of the four specified attacks on the Internally Displaced Person's (IDP) camps.


He was also found guilty of sexual and gender-based crimes, namely, forced marriage, torture, rape, sexual slavery, enslavement, forced pregnancy and outrages upon personal dignity, which he committed against seven women who were abducted and placed into his household.

The same court convicted Ongwen on charges of forced marriage, torture, rape, sexual slavery and enslavement, committed against girls and women within the Sinia brigade, and the crime of conscripting children under the age of 15 into the Sinia brigade and using them to participate actively in hostilities.

Judge Schmitt said that the court found Ongwen fully responsible for all the crimes committed in the camps. The attack in Lukodi, which took place on May 19, 2004, left more than 60 people dead. 

The chamber, however, did not find evidence that supported the claim that Ongwen suffered from any mental disease or disorder during the period relevant to the charges or that he committed these crimes under duress or under any threats. The judge said in his statement that Ongwen himself participated in the crimes and oversaw them.   

The judge instead said that Ongwen was not a subordinate, but a man who'd uncontested orders and exercised his own independence in committing the crimes and planned very well before acting.      

For the purposes of determining the appropriate sentence, the ICC chamber will consider submissions by the prosecutor, the defence of Ongwen led by Crispus Ayena and the representatives of the victims. 

The defense can appeal the case, and based on the evidence, the appeals chamber can uphold or overturn the judgment. Ongwen could be jailed in any ICC member-state for a maximum of 30 years or a life sentence. ICC's founding treaty, the Rome Statute does not provide for a death penalty.    

Ongwen is the first among the five LRA rebel commanders indicted by the ICC in 2005 to face trial at The Hague, Netherlands. Others indicted included LRA rebel leader Joseph Kony who still on the run, Vincent Otti, Okot Odhiambo, and Raska Lukwiya who are all presumed dead.

Over the course of 234 hearings, the Office of the ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, presented a total of 109 witnesses and experts while the defence team presented 63 witnesses and seven experts.



Indeed this African is guilty of slaughtering fellow Africans. It leaves to tell who were the exact enemies this terrorist organization was fighting against in this Uganda war?

Because in a war situation, those who win the war kill most. So who won the war anyway?

It is high time this court started to make out a report on how to start to stop such unnecessary African conflicts. The civilians have nothing to gain from them.

Now I wonder what Remase Akot thinks of this.
Some of former Ogwen`s " tribal comrades who were captured are now keeping Museveni in power" ( song of RemAkot )
One of them is now the Deputy IGP.

The other one who carried out the Kasese massacres was also captured. He is now an MP and also a Land Forces commander.

Angina was captured. Until recently , he was the deputy Army Commander.

Now that ICC has proved his competence , Ogwen should be sent back to Uganda and put in charge of Abdution Operations.
The ICC court has now the responsibility to encourage the international trade communities to start rebuilding the Acholi land as soon as possible by providing them with a guarantee on their investments in Acholi land.

In the hope that such inhumanity must never happen again in Acholi land.
I mean , what the heck !!!!
Ogwen used to abduct and kill those who thought were his enemies.
Today , we have a Museveni who says :
" yaaaa, that Zebra was shot by my forces ..I will talk to his wife... "
" Well , my forces shot some poeple who were not rioters ... but if we find that their death is tough for their families , I will give them some money .."
US , EU , African Union and ICC know this .
What have they done ?

The only difference between Ogwen and Museveni is that one was acting as a rebel commander , while the other one is called the president.
Indeed Wooden K Uganda is on the loosing end of law and order.

The Uganda Chief Judge is from Acholi land where this genocide happened. He should be the one on the frontline of it all.

Unfortunately that is why these terrible legal cases have gone to the International Criminal Court. Acholi land has now all the rights and mandate to decide whether it continues to be administered by the Central Government of Uganda or to go it alone in this world! Uganda has no money to pay for reparations the Acholi territory deserves!






The Democratic Republic of the Congo in this modern age, continues with the human killing fields  in unending civil war:

The ever suffering African civilian communities have  buried 27 massacre victims as this horrible civil war continues unabated: 

African politicians and liberators continue to convince the civilians the need to get on with this sort of an African savage war. This is an African country that seems to have forgotten how it  suffered enough during the brutal colonial rule of Belgium.




30 November, 2019



People gather in Oicha, on November 29, 2019, as 27 victims of the latest massacre in the country's volatile east were being burried, with hundreds paying homage while lashing out at security forces for failing to stop attacks. AFP PHOTO 

Mourners gathered in silence around the tiny morgue of Oicha, located near the Ugandan border and east of the DRC town of Beni, the scene of repeated deadly strikes.

Workers wore face masks as they wrapped the decomposing corpses in shrouds. They were barefoot in line with local tradition out of respect for the deceased.  

Wooden crosses marked the graves and many wept as the bodies were lowered.  

During the mass funerals, gunfire broke out from the nearby bush but it was unclear who was firing.

"My neighbour, who was my son's mother-in-law, had her throat slit and was then cut up," said Kahindo Kamabu, a woman in her fifties.

"I am very sad but I'm not crying any more as I want to tell these murderers that we are strong and dignified despite our pain."

Janvier Kasahirio, the head of a local youth association, said: "We found the remains of our brothers in pieces," adding that some of the victims had been burnt.

He said they found the bodies in the bush.

The victims were hacked to death with machetes on Wednesday, taking to 107 the number of people killed in and around Beni since November 5.

The vast majority of the killings have been carried out by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a militia that has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo's east since the 1990s.

'Chopped up like meat'

"I recognised my aunt from her clothes," said Rosette Kashauri.

"Her face was barely recognisable. Her body was chopped up like the meat one sells in the market. I am sad and angry," she said.

The massacres have sparked protests against the local United Nations peacekeeping mission, known by its French acronym MONUSCO.

"It's unthinkable that people kill the local population and that the young go to look for bodies while soldiers watch them," said Moise Kakule.

On Friday, a DR Congo soldier was killed by civilians who mistook him for an ADF fighter, the army and a local official said.

The soldier opened fire as he saw local youth approaching him, before running out of ammunition, local leader Donat Kibwana added.

A general shutdown was observed in Oicha as well as in Goma, the main city in DRC's east, in solidarity with the beleaguered residents of Beni and Oicha.

On Friday, the ADF released 12 hostages, including two women and some children, local residents said.

They said the released hostages carried back pamphlets exhorting locals to embrace Islam and stop cooperating with security forces.

Some said they had paid ransom to the ADF to secure the release of relatives.

"My four children were kidnapped by the ADF," said 35-year-old Reagan Kimbu. "They were released against a payment of $4,500 (4,000 euros)."

The UN refugee agency meanwhile said there was an exodus of locals from Oicha to Beni, about 30 kilometres (20 miles) away.

"Alarming reports from the region suggest people being trapped and under threat from the armed groups, with daily reports of loss of life," the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said on Friday. 

"Abductions and attacks on schools, health centres and indigenous communities are also on the rise," it said.

"Information is difficult to verify, as the movement of humanitarian workers is restricted due to insecurity around the city and in the territory of Beni, as a result of violence."






The United Nation, peace monitors have asked the South Sudan African freedom fighters to respect the freedom of the press as the country suffers a brutal war that has lasted about 60 years:

The human suffering of the African civilian population is out of this modern world. Especially for the children. The UN is reluctant to name it as genocide(an international crime against humanity):



Journalists sit inside the conference room as artillery fire broke out near the presidential palace in Juba on July 8, 2016. PHOTO | CHARLES ATIKI LOMODONG | AFP


By John Adukata
More by this Author

The United Nations and peace monitors have asked the South Sudan government to respect press freedom and free speech.

Speaking Friday at an event in the capital Juba to mark World Press Freedom Day, Annie Rashidi, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) human rights officer said the media plays an important role in the society and that conducive environment for practitioners should be guaranteed.

“There is no society without press...UNMISS is committed to work with media, and journalists to ensure press freedom in South Sudan”, said Ms Rashidi.

Journalists who spoke at the function said that it was a day to remind government officials to respect media freedom and protect the fourth estate.

The event was supported by Revitalized Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (R-JMEC) and Unesco.

Jallow Saidou Sireh, Unesco representative in the country said “it is essential we guarantee freedom of speech and of the press in South Sudan.”

“Impunity for crimes against journalists is a threat against all societies. Independent journalism vied opportunity to present facts,” added Saidou.

R-JMEC deputy chairperson Dr Thomson Fontaine said free press was crucial in the peace process in the young nation.

This year's World Press Freedom Day theme is 'journalism & elections in times of disinformation'.

South Sudan reporters are often the target of government officials, especially when highlighting human rights violations and abuse of power.




Dozens of the journalists have been killed in line of duty while several others have fled into exile fearing for their lives.

Several media outlets have also been shut down by the government for critical coverage of the country’s affairs.







In the Uganda state, Families of detained Rwandans call for a speedy trial:

September 21, 2018

Written by Baker Batte Lule and Ibrahim Sebunnya

Lawyers Gawaya Tegulle and Eron Kiiza

Lawyers Gawaya Tegulle (L) and Eron Kiiza

The families of detained Rwandan nationals are calling on the government of Uganda to expedite a speedy trial of their relatives.


Speaking at a press conference in Kampala on Tuesday through their lawyer, Eron Kiiza, they said their relatives have been subjected to various kinds of torture and dehumanizing treatment all outlawed by the Uganda constitution. Those arrested include; Claude Iyakerenya, Augustine Rutayisire and Emmanuel Rwamuchyo.

“They were beaten badly and later taken to the General Court Martial in Makindye where charges of being found with guns were brought against them and then remanded to Luzira prisons until October 22,” Kiiza said.   


He wondered why they should be tried in a Military court yet they are civilians. Kiiza also denunciated the Court Martial for disobeying the orders of the High court that had ordered for the unconditional release of Rwamuchyo and Rutayisire because of their illegal detention. He said this fragrant disobeying of court orders is a recipe for anarchy.

Betty Mutumba, the wife of Rutayisire said she is troubled by the continued incarceration of her husband on what she calls tramped up charges.

“My husband is a businessman who has nothing to do with guns. I really don’t know what exact crime he committed but what I now is that he is our sole bread winner. I don't know what to tell my children who keep on asking me the whereabouts of their father,” Mutumba said.

She urged the court to release her husband on bail like it has done to other people like the former inspector general of police Kale Kayihura.

“It has been three months now since my husband was arrested in Uganda. I have to travel from Kigali to Kampala to attend court sessions which are wearing me down. I call upon court to grant my husband bail because it is his constitutional right,” Mutumba said.

Kiiza added that denying his clients bail yet it is being given to others is a clear sign of discrimination.  

“I call upon the Chief of Defence Forces, Gen David Muhoozi, to ensure that his officers refrain from torturing people and respect their fundamental human rights and court orders. We also demand that they return Shs 50m which was confiscated by the officers in Mbarara Makeke barracks,” Kiiza said.

Uganda and Rwanda have lately had a frozen relationship resulting from under the carpet accusations that each side might be supporting elements within each other’s country to cause regime change.

In fact, the General Court Martial is trying a couple of senior police officers including the former IGP Kale Kayihura of working with Rwandan elements to send back refugees who had run away from the alleged Kagame’s iron-fist rule.


Are these two adjacent African states becoming rowdy states on the African continent? What is really wrong with the presumption of innocence as the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty? It was traditionally expressed by the Latin maxim ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (“the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies”). Unless these two African revolutionary leaders of these states have their own international human rights of global justice they need to address the world! 






African Black Women Are Suffering In Silence From Arabic Abuse in Arabic Islamic countries, without any concern from their own countries or from the international community:

Migrant domestic workers march at Beirut’s seaside and hold banners demanding basic labor rights as Lebanese workers during a 2013 protest. The recent beating of two Kenyan domestic workers in Lebanon highlights the ongoing problem of violence against Black women in Arab countries. (Photo: Hussein Malla/AP)



There is a problem in the Arab world with the abuse of Black women. Arab racism against people of African descent goes back to the days of slavery and continues to the present, with African women facing dual oppression as women and as Black people. Cruel acts of Arab racism against Black women have gone unnoticed, as Face2face Africa reported, with the brutal beating of two Kenyan women by a Lebanese soldier — after he nearly hit them with a car and they confronted him about it — as one of the more recent and poignant examples of a larger problem.

The video of the assault, which has gone viral, shows two women, who are known as Rosa and Shamila, pulled by the hair and beaten by a crowd of people on a busy street in Beirut. The two women and three of their assailants, including an off-duty Lebanese soldier, were arrested after the incident on June 17. Shamila, a domestic worker, was issued a deportation order, the decision of which was then placed on hold as a result of public outrage, pending the outcome of the assault case.


The Kenyan government has called for the prosecution of the five people seen in the video assaulting the women. “We are insisting on the prosecution of the culprits so that they meet the full force of the law. We are also demanding an apology from the Lebanese authorities,” read a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Some media outlets broadcasted news that a soldier in civil clothes assaulted 2 Kenyan women. The Army Command clarifies that the incident which fell on 17/06/2018 was a result of the clearly intoxicated women attacking a soldier and his wife by hitting him with a bottle on the head, leading a civilian to step in and hit the mentioned women,” the Lebanese Army said in a statement, casting blame for the incident on the two beaten African women instead of the Lebanese citizens.

In 2008, Human Rights Watch reported that domestic workers were dying in Lebanon at a rate of more than one per week, mostly from suicide and botched escapes. Women undertake these desperate measures because they are attempting — even from windows and balconies in high-rise buildings — to escape forced confinement and mistreatment in isolation, behind closed doors and in private homes.

Officials from the African migrants’ embassies in Lebanon have sobering words, including one former ambassador: “Don’t call this an embassy. We have become a funeral parlor. People die. Natural deaths, accidents, suicide. When they try to run away, accidents happen.” Sometimes, these women are locked for days by their employers. Throughout the Arab world, African women who serve as domestic workers are subjected to harsh treatment, including beatings, broken arms, 21-hour workdays, inadequate living conditions and medical care, food deprivation, burnings, and more.

This latest incident in Lebanon comes following the 2016 burning death of a Kenyan woman named Mary Kibawana Kamajo, a housemaid who lingered for three months after she was set alight in the home by her Lebanese boss using a gas cylinder. Kamajo described the conditions she faced at the hands of her employers. “My female boss and her daughter would often beat me for the most trivial of reasons. They would also give me bad food,” she said. “I had no breaks from work and I would toil from 6 am daily to late in the night. They took my passport away the day I arrived, and I had no access to a calendar so I never knew what day it was, let alone the time.”

One Kenyan domestic worker in Lebanon had bleach poured over her head as punishment for cleaning too slowly, as her employer threatened to send her home in a box, while another Kenyan woman in Saudi Arabia was offered a choice of having sex with her boss or death. Last year, a Lebanese national was arrested for the alleged rape of his 19-year old domestic worker in Accra. When the suspect’s wife, children and another domestic worker were away, he reportedly beat her savagely after she rejected his demands for sex, slapped her and dragged her to his bedroom to rape her. The victim said this was the fourth time the man had raped her in two separate occasions.

In 2017, an Ethiopian housekeeper in Kuwait fell from the seventh-floor balcony of an apartment building because her employer was trying to kill her. “The lady put me in the bathroom and was about to kill me in the bathroom without anybody finding out,” the woman said. “She would have thrown my body out like rubbish, so instead of staying there I went to save myself and then I fell.”

It is a thorny issue for African and Mideast nations. Throughout the Persian Gulf, 2.4 million domestic workers live in slavery, according to the International Trade Union Confederation. Arab countries typically recruited domestic workers from Asian nations such as Philippines, Indonesia and India. However, those Asian nations have begun to establish regulations to protect their people once stories of abuse surfaced, causing Arab countries to recruit in Africa. African women, including hundreds of thousands from Kenya, facing poverty and unemployment at home and attracted to the promise of lucrative work and the chance to send remittances to their families, have moved to Arab nations.

A sponsorship system known as kafala ties workers’ legal status directly to their employer. Once they arrive in their host country their employers confiscate their passports and other important documents and are protected by the law. Typically, these women have no protection from these states’ labor laws.  As a result of the violence, nations such as Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia banned their citizens from domestic work in the Mideast. Workers continued to come, and Saudi Arabia deported thousands of workers who were there illegally. However, African countries have lifted or partially lifted these bans, and the abuse of Black women continues.

Some African domestic workers have faced human trafficking. In Saudi Arabia African women have been raped, as well as imprisoned with fears of being stoned to death. Saudi Arabia has come under fire for imposing death sentences for female foreign domestic workers, including a number of beheadings. In Kuwait, women from Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Kenya, and Ethiopia are sold like slaves to families by recruitment agencies and find it difficult to leave.

Tanzanian domestic workers in Oman and the UAE are subjected to excessive hours, unpaid salaries and physical and sexual abuse, according to Human Rights Watch. Some workers are forced to relinquish their salaries as a condition for their “release.”

The Mideast has developed a reputation as the worst place for domestic workers. Yet African women have shown a willingness to take the risk and work in Arab nations because of the competition for jobs and less rewarding work in their home countries. Further, some are single mothers and will make the calculation of facing possible mistreatment for the promise of a higher paying job abroad, as opposed to a job at home in which they are unable to support their family. Similarly, domestic workers in Arab nations who escape from their abusive employers risk arrest and imprisonment for walking the streets alone. Sending and receiving countries must make efforts to stop the exploitation of workers, as the Global Observatory notes, with the abolition of the kafala system, and a sweeping new policy that is widely disseminated so that all workers and potential workers are made aware. In addition, domestic workers should be provided with Arabic- or English-language training prior to departure. An orientation program for employees and employers on their rights and obligations under the employment contract would be constructive. Further, given that these African women often are made to sign contracts written in a language they do not understand, documents should be written in their native language.

Arab countries have a legacy of an African slave trade that targeted women who were kidnapped and captured in war, becoming sex slaves and bearing children whose genes are still evident across the Arab world. The ongoing violence against African women is a sign that anti-Black racism and slavery are alive and well in Arab nations.






It’s now pay or die again in Uganda public hospitals:

12 May, 2018

By Zurah Nakabugo and Nicholas Bamulanzeki of the Observer, Uganda 





Aisha Namaganda (L) waits without getting much help at Kiruddu hospital. She is carrying her sister’s child burnt by hot water yesterday

At 2pm yesterday, Aisha Namaganda rushed her sister’s son to Good Samaritan hospital in Mbuya, Kampala.

The boy, about four years old, had suffered massive burns from the head, across the torso down to his thighs. The red flesh glistened where skin had been burnt off by hot water.

Unable to deal with the extreme injuries, staff at Good Samaritan pointed Namaganda to the National Referral Hospital Mulago. Under normal circumstances, Mulago’s burns unit would have treated the boy’s case as an emergency.

But these are unusual times: Mulago is being renovated and Kiruddu hospital to which they were referred is one of the three facilities built to accommodate these kinds of cases but is also essentially shut-down by the crippling medical student interns’ strike.


Wailing from the pain, the little boy and his aunt were shown to the waiting area by receptionists; no sense of urgency in their response to what was a clear emergency.

In shock at what had befallen her little one, the boy’s mother had remained at home. By press time, 8pm, this emergency case had not been attended to – another example of the grief which government’s refusal to increase doctors pay is causing.




Across town, a teary Mariam, a resident of Matugga, narrated the excruciating pain she went through to deliver her child last Saturday at Kawempe General hospital, also a subsidiary of the National Referral Hospital Mulago.

If she had known better, Mariam would have paid up front as it later became clear that those who could shell out the cash were being treated as ‘emergencies’.

The young mother says she reached Kawempe General last Tuesday (November 7) at 1pm. There were very few doctors around since most of them had laid down their tools as the pay dispute with government rambled on.

“The labour pains had started but the nurses advised me to be patient and wait for the few intern doctors who were moving around the ward and they advise them on what to do since I had remained with a few centimeters to give birth,” she said.

As the labour pains intensified, the nurses seemed unbothered even when Mariam called for them. She suffered through blinding pain throughout that day.

Not a single doctor checked on her since the available few doctors were busy with other patients whom the nurses described to her as emergency cases.

“The next day my mother struggled so much and brought a doctor to check on me if I was ready to go in the labour ward due to the much pain I was feeling. The doctor advised me to go for a cesarean operation since the baby was tired and could no longer manage to push itself through normal delivery and I might lose it,” Mariam said.

She said, doctors lined her up on the list of patients to be operated that day and ordered the nurses to prepare her.

“I kept on waiting for nurses to take me to the theatre but it was in vain. After some hours, they told me that I was removed from the list because the doctors were working on the emergencies and I was rescheduled for the next day,” Mariam said.

Mariam said she just managed to save her baby’s life after getting advice from a patient on the hospital bed next to hers who told her to give money to the nurses.

“The following day in the morning, I called the nurse and gave her Shs 50,000. She immediately understood what that meant without even telling her anything. She took me to the theatre very fast saying that I was also an emergency,” she said.

Mariam was shedding copious tears as she spoke to The Observer, recalling how the skeleton staff of doctors on call during this strike will not ask a patient for money directly either because they fear or because of untidiness of it all.

They instead work through a subtle arrangement with nurses: the money is funneled by nurses on their behalf.



Mothers waiting to be discharged from Kawempe hospital

She said before paying for her operation as she waited outside the theatre, a group of nurses abused them, saying that it’s women who always vote for President Museveni, so let them suffer.

The implication being that Uganda’s mothers should pay for the failure by Museveni’s government to sort out public health service delivery.

They said, “When they say temugikwatako, you keep quiet but when they say bagikwateko you say yyeeeeeeee…., okay. We shall cut you.” I got scared. I thought that I was not even going to make it, but thank God I was operated successfully and my baby is okay,” she said.

Mariam was operated upon on Saturday and has been on treatment. The doctors prescribe drugs which she buys from outside the hospital.

“None of us here has ever been given a single free drug; neither paracetamol nor cannula because we buy everything from out and a few doctors available help to administer the drugs.”

Another patient, Margaret, whom The Observer found in the elevator moving to the 5th floor to breastfeed her baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) was also weeping. Margaret was tired and hungry; she had not eaten a thing since morning because all the money she had, she had given to the nurses and doctors to help her deliver.

She said when the strike had just started, doctors were accepting between Shs 20,000 and Shs 50,000, but as the strike progressed, the going rate doubled to between Shs 50,000 and Shs 100,000 for normal deliveries, and between Shs 300,000 and Shs 400,000 for an operation.

“But if the strike continues, the charges will go up to Shs 1 million. The government should help us and find an immediate solution for the doctors’ salaries and welfare,” Margaret said.

She said many mothers who come to deliver in the night are ignored if they don’t have money; so, the majority are forced to leave. Only God knows what becomes of them.

Speaking off the record, sources at Kawempe General also said that an unknown number of mothers and babies have died during this strike since there are very few intern doctors working and they can’t manage complicated issues.

“Every time you see people crying when they have lost their dear one because they have no money to bribe doctors and the few doctors available can’t manage all the patients,” a source said.

The doctors at Kawempe who didn’t want to be quoted said, they are being very understanding with their fellow Ugandans and that is why they still come and work.

“In Kenya, all the doctors, nurses and midwives went on strike and they never returned to work until their problems were solved. But in Uganda at least a few of us have managed to work to save the lives of Ugandan mothers who are giving birth any time yet our problems are not yet addressed,” a doctor said.

One doctor said if the strike continues, they are also going to give up because they are very few and can’t manage the overwhelming number of patients flooding the hospital.

At the Naguru-based China-Uganda Friendship hospital, Jesca Bereebera who had come to pick her drugs for high blood pressure and diabetes, arrived at 8am. She left at noon without seeing any doctor.

“I came here for doctors to prescribe drugs for my pressure and buy drugs outside because I wasn’t feeling well. But since morning, none of the doctors has attended to us apart from seeing them moving around pretending to work yet they are doing their own things,” she said.

Melesa Nalumamsi, a resident of Muyenga, also left Naguru hospital without seeing a doctor. One of her breasts hurts so bad she needs urgent attention.
Sarah Nakandi at Naguru hospital said if you have money and pay doctors, they work on you. “I have also given them money and they are now looking for some drugs to give me,” she said.


A nurse immunises children at the Naguru-based, China-Uganda Friendship hospital yesterday

However at Naguru hospital, the children’s clinic for immunisation was still open and all babies were receiving their vaccines, although the nurses too threatened to join the strike if the government doesn’t address their problems too.

“We have been immunizing children every day since the strike started and our senior principal nursing officer told us to work saying that the strike is for doctors, not for nurses. But our worry is that we are working as nurses while doctors strike but if the government considers doctors only and leaves out nurses, we shall also strike,” a nursing officer at Naguru said.

She said they immunise over 60 babies at Naguru hospital every day and they can’t leave babies to suffer.

The doctors’ strike has entered its 10th day with no end in sight. Their long-standing demands for better remuneration remain unmet.

Instead, Health minister Jane Ruth Aceng last Thursday threatened to sack doctors on strike before addressing their problems. Her threats aggravated the situation, deeply upsetting the few intern doctors who were assisting patients, prompting them to also lay down their tools in solidarity with their senior colleagues.






In Uganda, The Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Kutesa used his office to try and sell a national commercial Bank to his international friends:

24 November, 2017

Written by Derrick Kiyonga

Emails have emerged showing how Foreign Affairs minister Sam Kutesa and his wife Edith allegedly attempted to get what is believed to have been Crane Bank sold to a Chinese energy enterprise days before the central bank seized the Ugandan institution.

Recent revelations in a US court show how Kutesa was given $500,000 (Shs 1.8 billion) as part of an international plot to advance the Chinese firm’s business interests in Africa, specifically Uganda’s energy and financial sectors.

Details of this transaction emerged following last weekend’s (November 18) arrest of Chi Ping Patrick Ho, a former home secretary of Hong Kong and head of a non-governmental organisation funded by the Chinese conglomerate.

Ho is now in US custody along with Cheikh Gadio, a former foreign affairs minister of Senegal, on charges of international money laundering, violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and conspiracy to commit both crimes sometime between 2014 and last year. These crimes attract a 20-year jail sentence in the US.

The long serving Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Sam Kutesa

It is alleged that Ho bribed Chadian president Idris Deby as well as Kutesa, and also gave gifts to and promised financial rewards to President Museveni.Kutesa was on Thursday quoted by Daily Monitor as rubbishing the bribery allegations.  

“The foundation does exist, it receives support and donations from well-wishers. Calling this a bribe is utter nonsense,” he reportedly said in a text message referring to the $500,000 ‘donation’ to a charity linked to him.

Don Wanyama, the senior presidential press secretary, had earlier described the dragging of the president’s name into this case as “madness”, saying Museveni’s ideological orientation puts him above such.

Emails covered in documents before US magistrate judge Kevin Nathaniel Fox in New York city show a trail of Edith Kutesa’s correspondence with Ho. Her husband, who was president of the UN General Assembly (PGA) at the time, was copied-in.

The documents indicate that Ho promised Kutesa future benefits in exchange for help in acquiring a Ugandan commercial bank “which was bought in January 2017 by another commercial bank”.

The only transaction in Uganda fitting that description is the sale of Sudhir Ruparelia’s Crane Bank by Bank of Uganda to dfcu Bank.

Around March 17, 2015, the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) says that Kutesa’s wife emailed Ho stating, “Dear Patrick... It was so nice to have such quality time to talk and discuss about different opportunities of investing in East Africa and Uganda in particular. Thank you so much, we enjoyed having you…We talked about the banking sector with possibility of acquiring a bank creating a direct link between our currencies, a project for which I would be happy to facilitate and we should discuss this further when we meet in HK … I hope and wish that my message finds you well and thank you again for your time, the gifts and willingness to help me.”

On February 29, 2016, the court documents say that she reminded the Chinese of the financial vacuum a global bank, which some reports have named as Barclays, had created after departing Africa.

“Considering the growing trade between China and Africa, this is a great opportunity in the banking sector in Africa,” she wrote.

Two months later in May,2016, after a Chinese delegation attended the swearing-in of President Museveni in Kampala, Ho emailed Edith thanking her for hosting them and said: “We are very enthusiastic about the prospect of joint venture in Uganda.”  

Ho further stated that they were very interested in acquiring controlling shares of this global bank’s branch in Uganda, and that they needed the Kutesa’s help in going about this.

“This will be our first priority and please work with us to accomplish this,” he wrote.

On May, 27, 2016, Edith replied, “we appreciate your interest in Uganda and excited to work together.” The same day, Ho answered, saying that the energy company would like to partner with Kutesa’s family and Museveni’s local operators.

“The key is to get the bank in Uganda up and running to become the first offshore renminbi (Chinese currency) exchange centre in Africa,” Ho wrote.

“Then we can establish relationship through this bank in Uganda with other banks in China and banks in Europe and this route [for] cash flow to Africa would enable us to invest in a host of ventures.”

Enter Crane Bank

Other emails referring to a global bank followed until mid-October when, according to the FBI, Kutesa’s wife contacted Ho to announce the opportunity of actually acquiring a “Ugandan bank”.

According to Ho’s indictment papers, on October 13, 2016, she sent Ho an email titled “Opportunity to invest in banking sector “.

Therein she stated that the “central bank official you met during your visit has contacted us to inform you about the possible acquisition of a local bank but as you know, selling a bank is a very confidential and urgent process.”

In the email, she provided the website of the “Ugandan bank” which was to be bought and instructed Ho to express the energy company’s interest by sending a letter to the Deputy Governor of Bank of Uganda, Louis Kasekende.  

“It is imperative that that letter is sent by close of business today through email,” she said. “In the mean time I would love to talk to you on phone.”

The FBI asserts that Ho forwarded this email to another employee whom he instructed to write to Kasekende. The FBI says a letter was subsequently written to Kasekende, copying Ho and Kutesa’s wife but it seems to have arrived late.

“According to press reports, on or about October, 20, 2016, the central bank took over the Ugandan bank…,” the US court documents state.

It was on October 20, 2016 that Bank of Uganda took over management of Crane Bank and suspended its board members.

The FBI investigation found that on or about October 24, 2016, Edith emailed Ho, copying Kasekende, stating, “I tried your number in vain, adding, “Please try to contact the vice governor as soon as you can.”

She provided a telephone number on which Ho could reach Kasekende.

“It is quite urgent, thank you,” she wrote.

Ho then emailed Kasekende, stating, “Please send me whatever you have through this mail.”

On October 25, 2016, the FBI says that he received an email from an unnamed BoU official who inquired whether the energy company was still interested in acquiring a bank in Uganda.  

Yesterday, Kampala Associated Advocates, the law firm representing Sudhir in the Crane Bank affair, declined to comment, pleading that they have made their case in court.  

BoU’s communications director, Christine Alupo, said in an email that all actions Bank of Uganda taken during pre-takeover of Crane Bank were in accordance with the law and regulations. She declined to go into detail since the case is in court.

Alupo observed that given its role in the macro-economy, and as regulator of the financial sector, BoU is frequently approached by those exploring business options in Uganda.

“As a matter of routine, bank officials refer them to standard and publicly available information related to the regulation and supervision framework,” Alupo said.

“During these engagements, the bank advises the prospective investors to acquaint themselves with the regulatory regime and for them to independently assess the opportunities within the economy as well as their capacity to meet the legal requirements,” she said.

On Tuesday, November 21, Ministry of Foreign Affairs permanent secretary Patrick Mugoya defended Kutesa, saying the minister’s interaction with Ho was in line with his duties as PGA.



Indeed as the leaders of Tanzania and Uganda recently agreed, efforts must be made to stop African Corruption in the Region of East Africa. Trouble comes when as you point a finger at those nasty corrupt Africans who seem to be running government services as parasites, there are 3 more fingers pointing to yourself.





The African country of Burundi has moved itself  out of the International Criminal Court so that it can live happy ever after: 


Burundian president Pierre Nkurunziza

Burundian president Pierre Nkurunziza  


Burundi on Friday became the first ever nation to leave the International Criminal Court, set up some 15 years ago to prosecute those behind the world's worst atrocities.
"Burundi's withdrawal from the Rome Statute will take effect on Friday, 27 October 2017," an ICC spokesperson said.
The move comes exactly a year after Bujumbura officially notified the United Nations that it was quitting the world's only permanent war crimes tribunal, in what was seen as a major blow to international justice.

"The decision to withdraw Burundi from the Rome Statute comes at a time when the machine continues to kill with impunity in Burundi," said Lambert Nigarura, president of the Burundi coalition for the ICC.
"Today, Burundian justice, as it is so-called, has lost contact with life. It has become a mere tool of repression of any dissenting voice," he added in a statement.

But ICC officials said a preliminary probe launched by the prosecutor in April 2016 into possible crimes against humanity in the central African nation would continue.
"Burundi's withdrawal does not affect the jurisdiction of the court with respect to crimes alleged to have been committed during the time it was a state party, namely up until 27 October 2017," the spokesperson told AFP.

Violent political crisis 
The initial probe was started by ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda following reports of "killing, imprisonment, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, as well as cases of enforced disappearances."
The reports came amid a violent political crisis triggered when President Pierre Nkurunziza ran for a third term in office, winning July 2015 elections which were boycotted by the opposition.
UN investigators last month urged the ICC to move forwards and open a full scale investigation saying they had "reasonable grounds to believe that crimes against humanity have been committed" in "a systematic attack against the civilian population".

Overall, the violence in Burundi has claimed between 500 and 2,000 lives, according to differing tolls provided by the UN or NGOs and more than 400,000 Burundians have fled abroad.
Set up in 2002, the ICC based in The Hague has often come under fire from some countries who claim it is unfairly targeting African nations.
The ICC now has 123 member states who have ratified the 1998 Rome Statute, the guidelines which underpin the work of the tribunal.
But Burundi's snub triggered a wave of copy-cat moves from other African countries.

South Africa and Gambia said they would both follow suit, before then later reversing their decisions. And Kenya and Uganda have also threatened to leave, but not acted on it yet.
Zambia meanwhile has held public consultations, with an overwhelming 93 percent of those who participated opting to stay within the court.



The country of Burundi as a military state is involved in peace or force keeping in the African State of Somalia. Does it mean that it is doing so just for the  gain of money or for the efforts to bring peace and democracy on the whole continent of Africa?



The Embattled former Phycisian of President Museveni is not yet done with the President's 5th term of rule in the country of Uganda: He wants Local village Council democratic elections done:


The just recent presidential candidate Dr Kizza Besigye addresses the media at his office on Katonga Road in Kampala





Opposition leader, Dr Kizza Besigye yesterday launched a campaign dubbed ‘LC Elections Now’ to hold local council elections, should the NRM party government fail to conduct one soon.

The retired army Colonel accused government of finding every excuse not to hold the grassroots elections, including “amending the law to create intimidation so that people can be manipulated.”

“We are going to focus on organising an LC1 election in this country whether the regime … is supportive of it or not. We are going to be working towards our people establishing legitimate leadership in the villages and it is achievable,” Dr Besigye said during a media briefing he called at his Katonga Road offices in Kampala.

When pressed to explain how they would go about holding elections for local leaders, the four-time presidential candidate, promised to provide details in the near future.

After being declared loser in last year’s presidential elections, which he claimed to have won by 52 per cent, Dr Besigye continued with his “defiance campaign”, leading to repeated confrontations. He was placed him under virtual house arrest from voting day, February 18, 2016, until recently when the police withdrew its forces camped just outside his premises.

Dr Besigye said LC1 elections are extremely important and critical in advancing the influence of the people.
“We have never had village elections, now for 20 years. No village elections; people to choose their voices, to get through whom their voices will pass at the most local level where they live,” he added.

“Can you imagine that in 2016 you are talking about elections through lining up behind candidates? Such a primitive and dangerous method! If I am a candidate and my wife doesn’t want to vote for me, what will she do? Will she stand behind another candidate and come back home with me or vice versa. This is causing chaos and insecurity in the community. How will people freely express themselves?”

The government has repeatedly announced, then postponed when it will be holding local council elections.

The Electoral Commission (EC) under Article 61 of the Constitution has the mandate to organise, conduct and supervise regular, free and fair elections and referenda in the country.

Mr Jotham Taremwa, the EC spokesman, questioned Dr Besigye’s announcement and equated it to a stranger coming into one’s home and announcing that their father is not man enough, and consequently taking over the home.

“The Opposition is at liberty to organise their internal primaries but as far as national elections and referenda are concerned, they can only participate as voters, candidates and observers. Whoever is saying that will be confronted with the law,” Mr Taremwa said.

He said the government has committed, in the next national budget, to finance the Shs15 billion EC budget needed to organise the lower local council elections.

Attempts to speak to both Mr William Byaruhanga, the Attorney General, and his deputy were futile. Mr Byaruhanga did not take answer repeated calls to his known mobile phone number while his deputy, Mr Mwesigwa Rukutana, was inaccessible by press time.

At the same media briefing yesterday, Dr Besigye laid into the police for failing to curb the rising crime in the country. He called for the sacking or immediate resignation of Gen Kale Kayihura, the Inspector General of Police.

He also said it is next to impossible for the security agencies to fight crime without legitimate leadership at the grassroots.
“You cannot even seek to address security the way the police is masquerading when you don’t have legitimate government at the village, you can’t,” he said.

Uganda last held LC1 and 2 elections in 2001 before the country reverted from the Movement’s one-party political system to a Multi-party dispensation in 2005.

Attempts to hold fresh LC elections in 2006 were thwarted by a Constitutional Court ruling on the petition by then member of the Opposition FDC party, Maj. Ruranga Rubaramira.

The major challenged the legality of the existing Local Councils elected under the one-party Movement system, a year after the country had reverted to the multiparty system.
Subsequent avowals by the government to hold the LC I and II elections have come to nothing.

In February, the government Chief Whip Ruth Nankabirwa said that “these important administrative units will be in place before end of April”.

Like previous promises, this one was soon dashed after the EC Taremwa said that Ms Nankabirwa’s announcement “could be misleading” because the Commission had not set any date for the polls. He told the country to ignore her and wait for an EC announcement of a date.
Food, economic and security crisis
“All this starts with the mismanagement of the politics and mismanagement of the politics arises because the greatest majority of the citizens are completely removed from the running, the management, the care of the country. The greatest majority of the citizens are marginalised.”

On MPs calling for a state of emergency: “The suggestion by Members of Parliament to call an emergency because there was drought last year is laughable. Drought for one year? Why should drought for one year cause an emergency in a country, a country with the largest fresh water reserves in the whole world… The emergency is the regime itself. It is the emergency that should be dealt with.”

On constitutional review commission
“There are plans to launch a constitutional review process to gather views, later take those views to their parliament and say this is what the people want. Those games must be stopped in their tracks. We have had enough games around our peoples lives. It should be understood that the structure of the dictatorship now has no moral, constitutional or legal authority to engage in a constitutional review. It doesn’t.”

“The Executive itself is contested, the other institutions are contested. We need a new mechanism and that is why a national dialogue is imperative if we are to get to a constitutional stability, we must go through a national dialogue where all stakeholders come to a table and we hammer out a new mechanism that establishes a new consensus in the country.

On the ongoing dialogue
“The dialogue going on is about the 2016 general election. It is about the recovery of our victory because I was never able to go to court to challenge what Mr Kiggundu said. I was a prisoner under illegal detention so there was a fundamental violation of the Constitution,” he said.
Dr Besigye added: “That election was not conclusive. The dialogue is to establish a mechanism for an election audit to determine what happened in 2016. That is the limited dialogue we are talking about.”

In Uganda, an African country ridden with civil wars, 1.3 million citizens are in need of relief food.

By Henry Sekanjako, Mary Karugaba


Added 10th February 2017


The majority of Ugandans in 88 districts across the country are surviving on one meal or half a meal a day. The different colours signify the various provincial regions in the country of Uganda.



According to the latest Government report on the food security situation in the country, 1.3 million Ugandans are in need of relief food.


Presenting the report to Parliament yesterday, agriculture minister Vincent Ssempijja said only 28 of the 116 districts in the country were fairly food secure.


“Sixty-five percent of the population in Karamoja sub-region is in a crisis phase of food insecurity, meaning they have access to one meal or half a meal a day,” Ssempijja said.

He added that 35% of the population in the districts of Katakwi, Amuria, Kumi, Bukedia, parts of Serere and Kaberamaido are in the same crisis as the Karamoja sub-region.

According to Ssempijja, 50% of the people in Koboko, Yumbe, Moyo, Maracha, Arua, Zombo, Nebbi, Adjumani, Amuru and Nwoya, among other districts, were in a stressed phase of food insecurity, having one-and-a half meals in a day.

He explained that only the17 districts of Oyam, Apac, Kiryandongo, Masindi, Bulisa, Kyankwanzi, Nakaseke, Kiboga, Kamuli, Mubende, Luwero, Kyegegwa, Sembabule, Kiruhura, Lwengo, Ntungamo and Kibuku can still afford all meals, but their stocks were also running low.

Kisoro, Kabale, Wakiso, Kampala, Kanungu, Rukungiri, Mitooma, Bushenyi, Rubirizi, Ibanda, Kasese, Kabarole, Masaka, Mityana, Gomba, Lyantonde, Kalungu, Butambala, among other districts as fairly food secure.

“Much as the situation is worrying, no part of the country is in a famine phase of food insecurity. The current food security ranges between minimal and crisis,” Ssempijja said.

However, he noted that there is fear that if families and individuals do not manage the available food stocks at household levels well, the situation could deteriorate to the emergency and famine stages of the food insecurity in the next two months.

Ssempijja attributed the situation to long dry spells, crop pests and diseases, livestock diseases, selling of food and gambling by the youth, saying these are some of the factors that have affected food production.

“To avert the situation, the Government has provided food relief for the affected vulnerable families, while awareness campaigns by different government departments have also been undertaken to sensitise Ugandans on measures such as rain water harvesting and irrigation,” he added.


Ssempijja said that the Government also plans to promote the production and consumption of food security indigenous crops such as yams, pumpkins, cassava, among others crops, to avoid food insecurity.

The Government also plans to reallocate and frontload funds from NAADs/Operation Wealth Creation amounting to sh26.63b, to avail quick-maturing food security planting materials such as maize, beans, cowpeas, cassava and banana suckers.

Government urged to act

The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, gave the Government up to Wednesday next week to table before Parliament a comprehensive plan on food security. “It is three months now since this issue was raised. What you are telling us is for workshops, we need a comprehensive plan for the country,” Kadaga said.

The MPs also attacked the Government’s meteorological department for what they called continued inaccurate weather forecast, which mislead farmers.

“The department gives wrong predications all the time and people keep relying on them,” Gilbert Olanya, the MP Kilak County said.

Food insecurity explained

Charles Owor, a commissioner in charge of disaster preparedness in the Prime Minister’s Offi ce, said there are fi ve phases of food insecurity.

He said people who are food secure get three meals a day, including breakfast. When people get two meals that is referred to as minimal phase. With only one-and-a half meals, such people are in a stressed phase. A crisis phase sets in when people access only one meal a day. They will enter an emergency phase when they access only one meal in two days.

Famine starts biting when they are not sure of a meal in two days.

An Acholi military General Okello Lutwa and a Rwandese refugee self-styled guerilla leader Museveni making a bogus Agreement for peace in Uganda 1985/6:





Deceased Gen Tito Okello-Lutwa (C) exchanges the peace agreement documents with NRM/A’s Yoweri Museveni (L) in Nairobi in 1985. Right is Kenyan former President Daniel Arap Moi, who chaired the dodgy Uganda peace talks. FILE PHOTO




President Museveni says he would have worked well with the government of former president Gen Tito Okello Lutwa if he [Lutwa] had not been misled by people he described as bad ‘advisers’.

“When Gen Lutwa took power on July 27 1985, I was in Sweden. I spoke with him directly on telephone. We could have really moved along together but he was misled by a group of bad advisers,” Mr Museveni said.

The President made the remarks while speaking at a service held in memory of Gen Lutwa and his wife Ms Esther Adye Okello at Lapana village, Namukora sub-county in Kitgum District.

The service was attended by residents, ministers and foreign dignitaries.

Mr Museveni, however, praised Gen Lutwa describing him as person who loved consensus to bring harmony among his countrymen.

“It was easy for me to link up with Gen Lutwa because he was good. We had no ‘differences. My family and his were neighbours in Upanga, Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and we lived peacefully,” Mr Museveni said.

He added that because of Gen Lutwa’s humble background, he found it easy to persuade him to return to Uganda in 1993 after spending seven years of exile in Tanzania and Kenya.

Mr Museveni also applauded the former president’s son, Foreign Affairs Minister Henry Okello Oryem, for ‘resurrecting’ his father’s legacy in Lapana village, saying: “if you had been a drunkard, this entire crowd gathered here wouldn’t have come to pay respect to Gen Lutwa.”

President Museveni through his then guerilla group National Resistance Army [NRA] toppled Gen Lutwa’s Uganda National Liberation Army [UNLA] government on January 26, 1986, following failed peace negotiation held in Nairobi in 1985.

Church of Uganda Archbishop Stanley Ntagali who was the main celebrant said Gen Lutwa was a great Acholi who strongly contributed to the growth and development of Uganda.

“Today is not a day for mourning or crying but rather a day to celebrate Gen Lutwa‘s legacy. He was a humble but brave soldier who rose from junior ranks to presidency,” Archbishop Ntagali said.

Dr Martin Aliker, an influential businessman and a colleague of the late Gen Lutwa, said the former president was never interested in war.

“Gen Lutwa was a soldier trained to kill but he had a kind heart. When he felt threatened, he decided to flee the country,” Dr Aliker said.

Gen Lutwa succumbed to colon cancer on June 3, 1996 while widow Esther Okello died in a car accident in March 2002 in Kitgum District.


The International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands, is determined to go on with the international trial of the self-styled modern African liberator despite difficulties:

January 16, 2017

Written by URN

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has suspended the live screening of the trial of Dominic Ongwen, the former Christian-Catholic commander of an African Christian far-right, rebel group, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Ongwen's trial resumed this morning in The Hague based court in Netherlands.
Ongwen faces 70 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Christian-Catholic African liberator, Mr Dominic Ongwen


The trial follows the pre-trial sessions that were held in December last year. However, unlike during the pre-trial where survivors, victims and members of the public followed the proceedings through selected areas in Northern Uganda and Kampala, there will be no public screening of the proceedings this time around.

Maria Kamara Mabinty, the ICC Field Outreach Coordinator for Kenya and Uganda, says they decided to suspend the public screening of the trial owing to internet interruptions during the pretrial hearing.

She instead says they intend to record the proceedings and relay them a day after in Abok, Odek, Lukodi and Pajule-Lapul in northern Uganda, which she says is more sustainable.

Jimmy Otim the ICC Field Assistant in Uganda, says they will only live stream for the public at Gulu Senior Secondary School in Gulu town.

He says they will record the proceedings and relay them to other members of public on specific days later. Ogwen's trial stems from crimes allegedly committed between 2003 and 2005 during attacks Pajule-Lapul, Odek, Lukodi and Abok Internally Displaced People's camps.

Up to 4,109 victims including seven wives of Ongwen were granted status by the court to participate in the trial. This morning, Office of the Prosecutor started the presenting it evidence and presented its first witness and expert's witness.




The way the Uganda Supreme Court hands out stupid judgements, it is an opportunity for the African victims of unnecessary African civil wars to seek international justice for their dead relatives. This process might just help the citizens of the continent of Africa to defend themselves from the so called popular African dictatorships that continue to fortify themselves over unlimited power on the continent.
On the continent of Africa, in Uganda, Susan Awino, 23 years old, of the Inomo Clan, is rotting away in pain from cancer:
18 October, 2016
Susan Awino, 23, of the Inomo Clan is rotting after suffering from cancer and the mother cannot afford to take her to Mulago Hospital, Kampala for further management where she has been referred. Her mother separated with the dad when she was five years and the dad could not allow them to meet not until she was very sick. In August, while taking care of her, the mother discovered that in addition to the sickness, her daughter was five months pregnant. After a month, she developed complications and the baby was removed through caesarian section and the mother is taking care of both with limited resources. The mother Lillian Akullu is just watching her daighter rot to death as there is nothing she can do except clean the wound.
Akullu used to brew marwa at Kakoge but due to the condition her daughter is in, she has abandoned that now and she depends on hand outs.

Susan Awino suffering from cancer
Concerned comments:
Can we get any input from the local Member of Parliament from where Susan Awino hails from?
Can any member of the national media and responsible local leaders get involved for this medical emergency?
How about any input from the Ministry of Health in Uganda? 
Information sent by Hudson.
Some effort is being done to help this girl. A telephone contact is awaited so that the International Medical Fraternity that is interested can get involved. The International Organization fighting this sort of fatal cancer should try to help.
There is a new message for this African patient that has come through:
"I am assessing her situation. We will send her abroad if not too late. People have  donated and continue to donate. It is sad that our fellow citizens continue to die in agony in front of our very eyes and there is no government to help. It is left to private citizens like myself to do what a government should be doing. Cancer can be controlled and even treated if diagnosed early. But in Uganda, our Public Health Infrastructure has totally collapsed. If you can't get panadol in a government hospital, how the hell on earth can you tell if you have cancer until it is too late. We reap what we sow. We Ugandans have to lie on our beds because we made it ourselves. We are the only ones who can save our country, and we better do this soon by ending the corrupt Rwandan regime of Kayibanda Museveni. Otherwise, be prepared for millions  of more shocking pictures of the Susan Awinos of this country. 
Amen. That was my prayer for her to access medical attention even though we all know she is going to die but let he journey be a decent one without pain.

Thanks to all who supported her and continue to support her.

On 22 Oct 2016 09:50, "Bobby Alcantara" <> wrote:
Comrade Akim Odong,
Gertrude Alori Caroline, she is now at The inefficient Cancer Institute, Mulago Hospital. The contact is 0774600638. The name of her mother is Lillian Akullo. Thanks.
Bobby. There is a crowd-funding going on Facebook. I think she was picked up yesterday and is probably in Mulago hospital. I spoke to them last evening. I think they have raised a substantial amount as of last evening, will check later in the evening when I get back home. Bobby.

Eyanzigya e Rwanda n’anzaalamu anneefuulidde wano e Buganda:

By Musasi wa Bukedde

Added 22nd October 2016

OMUSAJJA eyanzigya e Rwanda n’anzaalamu abaana mukaaga atusudde mu kazigo tetulina kyetulya. Nze Faswezih Wembabazi, 32, mbeera Ssembabule.

Ssente 703x422

Wembabazi n’abaana be omusajja be yamulekedde.


OMUSAJJA eyanzigya e Rwanda n’anzaalamu abaana mukaaga atusudde mu kazigo tetulina kyetulya. Nze Faswezih Wembabazi, 32, mbeera Ssembabule.


Omusajja ono namufuna mbeera wa jjajjange e Rwanda mu 2003 ne tutandika okwagalana.

Bwe yamala okunfunyisa olubuto n’anzirusa e Rwanda nandeeta mu Uganda ne tutandika obufumbo bwaffe nga tubeera Kibuye.


Mu kikomera mwe yanteeka mwalimu ne baganda be nga nabo mwe bapangisa era enkolagana yaffe yali nnungi mu ntandikwa.

Emyaka mwenda gye maze n’omusajja ono, anjooze mu buli kimu omubadde okwenda n’atuuka n’okugula bamalaaya ne yeegatta nabo mu nnyumba nga nange mwendi.

Lumu yandeka n’agenda e Rwanda nga tambuulidde wadde okundekera ekintu kyonna olwo ne tudda mu kusabiriza baganda be ez’emmere.

Naye nabo ng’olumu batugobaganya ate nga bwe baba batuwadde, batuwa 2,000/- nga kwe njiiyiza n’abaana mukaaga.

Bwe yakomawo e Rwanda yatandika okusula mu baganda be nga n’emmere gy’agirya olwo ffe ne tusiiba enjala.

Bwe namusabanga ssente z’emmere ng’agamba nti muwe abaana be nze noonye gye ndaga.

Ekintiisa nti ne famire yaabwe nzibu kuba ne bakulu be baagoba bakyala bwabwe be baasooka okuwasa ne babaggyako n’abaana era baggya baabwe be babalabirira. Kati yandese mu nju kyokka landiroodi angobaganya n’abaana bange.

Ekizibu sikola ate sirina waaluganda yenna mu Uganda asobola kunyamba.

Ayagala muwe abaana bange naye mpulira kinkaluubiridde kuba tasobola kubalabirira.

Nsaba omuzirakisa asobola okutuwa ssente nsasule we mbeera n’okulabirira abaana bange oba waakiri tuddeyo e Rwanda kubanga sisobola kubamulekera.



The Uganda Judiciary and Police do not want to adhere to negotiated justice for the young protesters who are automatically being thrown in prison left, right and center!

The Uganda Law courts and the brutal police have decided to use the law of the land and threats of severe imprisonment to intimidate political protesters:


By World Media


Protesters being manhandled by police last week all the way to imprisonment


At least 32 protesters have been released either on police bond or granted bail by court after their arrest last week for participating in the march to parliament protests.

Those granted bail by press time include Muhwezi Eric, Magara Brian, Kato Jeremiah, Kanunu Ashiraf, Onyango David Anderson, Kiyaga Eddy, Ssagala Abdul Rahman Kabanda, Abdul Majid, Mutibwa Innocent, Muwonge Vian, Abdul Bast Najib, and Maseruka Robert. Others are Pato Denis, Kalenda Abigail, and Nalunkuma Ruth.

These individuals had been charged with crimes such as being a common nuisance and disobeying traffic rules, among others. Most were released on cash bail ranging from Shs 100,000 to Shs 200,000 and non-cash bail of between Shs 500,000 and Shs 2,000,000. According to Agather Atuhaire, one of the activists working to free those arrested, they have been diligently working to secure the freedom of all those detained since July 22.

“Our job with my colleagues at Agora Discourse and some other well-wishers has been to track who is arrested, who is detained where, who needs sureties, lawyers, and fees for bail, etc. We have a list of all that. Luckily some people were released without being charged, slightly over 20. Those who were charged, the bail hearings started today [Monday, July 29] and 12 people were released on bail. There are six whose ruling for bail was deferred to August 8. So yeah, the exercise is tough in terms of mobilizing resources and sureties, but Ugandans are responding positively. We have another bail hearing [Tuesday], and Wednesday we wait to see how it goes,” Atuhaire said.

According to a statement by the Uganda Police Force, by July 25, at least 104 people had been arrested, with the majority already produced in court and charged.

“Between July 22 and July 25, 2024, demonstrators attempted to march to parliament in Kampala, leading to significant police intervention. July 22, 2024: Nine individuals were arrested and charged with common nuisance and traffic regulation violations, all of whom were taken to court. July 23, 2024: A total of 75 suspects were apprehended; 74 were subsequently taken to court, while one remains in police custody. July 24, 2024: Three individuals were arrested and charged with common nuisance offenses, all of whom were taken to court. July 25, 2024: Sixteen people were arrested; 13 were taken to court, and three are still in police custody,” a statement by police spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke reads.

The rapid arrests and quick arraignment in court have raised questions about the impartiality of the judiciary in the ongoing political contestations. Activists have accused the judiciary of being used by the executive to abuse the rights of Ugandans. Makerere University lecturer Dr Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, one of the leading activists against corruption, stated that quickly charging protesters and sending them to long remand periods clearly shows the judiciary is tilted towards the executive.
“Now some magistrates first punish you with long remand, then hear your case. When arms of government get obscenely fused, those who challenge the powerful in government are bound to always be guilty until proven innocent,” Ssentongo said on his X account.

However, in a statement, the judiciary denied that it was taking sides in the contestation.

“The Constitution...establishes the Judiciary as an independent arm of government mandated to administer justice. Suffice to say, judicial power is exercised in the name of the people and in conformity with the law, values, norms and aspirations of the people. In exercising this mandate, the courts act independently and are not subject to the control or direction of any person or authority. The Judicial Oath further mandates every Judicial Officer to administer justice without fear, ill will or affection,” the statement reads in part.

The judiciary emphasized that its role is not to descend into the arena of disputes but, rather, to wait for matters filed before it for determination.
“The criminal justice process involves, among others, reading charges to the accused, consideration of bail which may or may not be granted. These are judicial processes that are handled with judicial discretion,” the statement adds.


Allegations of sexual harassment have surfaced following the arrest of individuals who attempted to march to parliament. According to Dr Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, several detainees reported being sodomized while in police custody. In a post on X, Ssentongo expressed his outrage, stating that sodomy was being used as a weapon against protesters.
“Some of the released boys say that they were subjected to anal rape by police officers while in custody. Another NUP young man raised the same complaint upon release recently, on top of his teeth also being knocked out. So, a government that claims to fight homosexuality uses anal rape as a form of torture. How did we get here? How does a male police officer get turned on, lower his uniform pants, and force a young male suspect to bend over for him to work his rectum?” Ssentongo wondered.

The police swiftly denied these allegations, calling them propaganda against the force.
“The police are very conscious of the rights of suspects and take their responsibilities seriously. We implore you to desist from spreading false narratives and misleading propaganda that only serves to tarnish the reputation of the police force. Spreading malicious lies and baseless allegations is highly unprofessional and unethical,” a statement by police spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke reads in part.
President Yoweri Museveni has vowed to deal ruthlessly with anyone who attempts to protest against corruption. In a statement last week, Museveni claimed to have intelligence that those participating in the march were agents of foreign interests.

He also suggested that the charge sheets would be amended to reflect more stringent charges.

“The evidence in court will shock many. As I said, the planners of these demonstrations wanted to do very bad things. The charge by the Police of ‘idle and disorderly,’ I suspect, was used because the deployed personnel did not have all the information. This was a high-quality, intelligence-led operation. I have most of the information,” Museveni’s statement reads in part.

The organizers of the march have vowed to continue their protests despite the crackdown and have rejected Museveni’s characterization of them as agents of foreign interests. Museveni’s fears may be influenced by recent events in Kenya, where protests initially sparked by a controversial Finance Bill 2024 escalated into demands for President William Ruto’s resignation. Museveni has vowed never to allow a similar situation to unfold in Uganda.


It has been said many times that the judiciary in this country has put up a step forward in the courts of law so that the two sides in any case can sit down with court experts and try to do negotiated justice over their case. This information here brands well with the biased NRM cadre judges because the judges do not seem to try to allow negotiated justice. That is why they and the brutal police are automatically throwing the already guilty young citizens of Uganda in prison, left, right and center.





Rwanda is up to now still hunting all over the world for African perpetuators of 1994 genocide:


By World Media


Some of the printout photos of the victims of an African genocide during 1994 in Rwanda


The government of Rwanda is still hunting down and seeking the extradition of perpetuators of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Joseph Rutabana, the High Commissioner of Rwanda to Uganda has said.

Rutabana said this ahead of the 30th commemoration of the genocide. The civil war, which occurred between April 7 and July 15, 1994, is reported to have claimed over one million lives. Most of the victims of the genocide, mostly the Tutsi, moderate Hutu, and Twa, were killed in their villages and towns, many by their neighbours and fellow villagers.
At least 10,983 victims of the genocide were buried in Uganda. Three memorial sites were established at Ggolo, Mpigi district, where 4,771 bodies were buried; Lambu, Masaka district, 3,337 and Kasensero in Rakai district where 2,875 people were buried.
At the end of the civil war, the government of Rwanda established Gacaca courts, which have since tried over one million perpetrators of the heinous crime. Despite the allegations of lack of fairness in the trial process, Rutabana said the trial process has been so transparent to the point that several suspects were proven innocent and walked scot-free.
“We always appeal to governments all over the world to track, extradite, or try the orchestrators of the Rwandan genocide in competent courts of law for justice to be served. You have witnessed many people being extradited back to Rwanda to face the court of law,” he said.
Several suspects have since been tried in the Hague, the UK, and Australia. Some other countries opposed the extradition of the suspects of the genocide on the grounds that the East African country is not safe for them.
“Under the theme Remember-Unite-Renew, on April 20, 2024, we shall have our main commemoration event in Mpigi District at the Ggolo Genocide Memorial site. We shall walk to remember and vigil in remembrance of the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi on May 4, 2024, in collaboration with Rwandan students in Uganda,” Rutabana said.
He said the 30th commemoration marks a generational cycle since the genocide was put to an end and is an opportune time for a call to reflect on the transformational journey that Rwanda has undergone for the last thirty years, building on the legacy of strength, resilience, and unity that the new generation is called upon to sustain and carry forward to adapt to today's global challenges and future aspirations.
“The commemoration seeks to engage all segments of Rwandan society. The celebration is an opportunity for every Rwandan to face the past and prevent the intergenerational transmission of traumas through dialogue and remembrance. The preservation of memory is pivotal in shaping a cohesive and forward-looking nation. It is a solemn undertaking, and the world joins together to say never again to such heinous human rights violations,” he said.

Unfortunately such genocide is a product of the governance of dictatorship. If such rampant governance, continues unabated especially for the continent of Africa, a repeat of such inhuman behaviour will always comeback to hunt the renegade communities. The leadership of Rwanda and probably Burundi and the Congo forget their brutal history at their own peril. It is bad to fight for a cause and then when state power is captured, many of these African leadership turn around and do the same inhuman governance which they abominate.





President Museveni of Uganda has advised the Church of Uganda to stop fund raising events because such events encourage African corruption:


By World Media

President Museveni of Uganda


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has cautioned religious leaders against conducting fundraising events, saying they partly contribute to the promotion of corruption in the country.

“I would like you, the Church, and the Mosque people to help us, it is not the main source, but it is also a contributory problem. The fundraising culture is very dangerous, especially for you Church people. The young politicians are intimidated by you, the religious leaders, they think they will go to heaven if they please you,” he said.


Museveni made the remarks during the End of Year National Thanksgiving prayers held at State House, Entebbe. The president explained that whenever religious leaders organize such events, it is mostly the young politicians who suffer since most of the people they lead are poor and have nothing to contribute to the cause.

You organize a fundraising event, then the community has not been mobilized to create wealth, so they don't have money; they just come and the only person who has some money is the MP. This puts these young people under pressure to go into debt by borrowing and getting involved in corruption. This should stop,” he asserted.

"Fundraising is wrong, it is premature. If villagers have not been mobilized in wealth creation and they don't have money, stop this fundraising because it is a means of extorting money from these young politicians who are dishonest; they don't want to tell you that they don't have money. Now, because they are supposed to do the oversight role of parliament, they cannot do it because they are looking for money to go and bribe people in the constituency by fundraising and giving bursaries. You are not the government. How can you give out bursaries?” Museveni wondered.


The president also reiterated the government's commitment to fight corruption in the country. He said corruption is becoming a big problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

“We are going to crush it because it is going to derail us,” he assured. 

Museveni stressed that the vice is mainly orchestrated by people he described as “parasites” who want to have an easy life.

“We the farmers, the manufacturers are the ones who suffer from this corruption. If you build a bad road because you have diverted some of the money, where will our crops pass?” he said.

“And we are going to fight it, we are mobilizing ourselves. They mainly steal government money; the source of that money is known, and we can monitor it. It is possible to fight corruption.”

On the other hand, the president commended the religious leaders for finally listening to the teachings of Jesus Christ of preaching the right gospel of unity and hard work (wealth creation), saying that his National Resistance Movement government has been preaching that ideology all the time.

“For us, we say everybody should be a wealth creator. That is exactly, what we mean, if you create wealth in the four sectors of commercial agriculture, industry, services, and ICT you will be implementing what the preacher has been telling you,” he said.


“That message should be clarified especially to young people. They spend so much time in leisure. Our traditional society was based on work. For instance, we the cattle keepers, by 5 am you are up to milk the cows, by 7 am you clean the kraal, by 8 am the cows must be out to graze, the cultivators the same; the whole day was work oriented. Of course, now with the technology, some of it can be skipped. But still, the culture of work must be instilled in children,” Museveni added.


On the continued criticism over the Anti-homosexuality Act, the president reassured Ugandans that they should not be intimidated by anyone who thinks by doing so, they will change their stance on the matter.

“Don't be intimidated by all those fellows, if there's someone who doesn't want to respect our sovereignty, we pray for them, they can go. We have the capacity, we don't lack anything, the economy is growing so we shall be able to sustain ourselves,” he said.


Pastor Dr Moses Maka, Archbishop of Seventh Day Adventist Church in Uganda, expressed appreciation to Museveni and wife Janet for always giving God his due place in the leadership of Uganda.

This is demonstrated by your gesture of opening up the doors of the State House every year so that we may come and thank God for the great things He has done in our midst. We also look forward to the year to come and ask him to guide us as He always does,” said Maka who was the main preacher at the ceremony.

He also advised leaders to always embrace the four factors of fruitfulness, multiplication, replenish and subdue, if they want to be effective in their leadership.

“I want to thank our leaders here who have understood that leadership comes from God and God has seen them to be leaders and managers,” Maka asserted.

“However, to be an effective leader, have dominion, and sit comfortably on the throne and preside over, you have to do four things; be fruitful, multiply, replenish, and subdue. When you have done the four effectively and successfully, you have a right to have a dominion.”


The event was also attended by the Vice President, Jessica Alupo, the Chief Justice, Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, the NRM 1st National Vice Chairman, Al Hajji Moses Kigongo, Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, former Vice President, Gilbert Bukenya, the former Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi among others.


Interesting Christian African man. He is definitely rewriting the Christian constitution.

Providing offertory and tithe to a living God is a must as He gifts all life. It is better that way than giving Ceasar what is due to Ceasar and his dominion for them to become corrupt and extremely rich!

It is unfortunate that NRM definitely believes that it is going to fight Settani(crusading) and stop corruption and African poverty just before Jesus Christ comes back to earth!


But the Pastor Maka of this country and their abominable sycophancy, should give us a break.

Since when have the so call leaders, who come to power through committing all the forbidden sins and abomination, such as: treason, organized murder, massacre, bank robberies, adultery, child molesters etc. come from God.

How can our self-confessed "Problem of Africa, Author and Master of Violence who told us off in our faces that he was not our servant or employee come from God.

In other words, except from coming from the Diabolic Satan Lucifer himself, what loving, saving and serving God would send such a person to lead Ugandans? NYET! 


Blatant corruption even in church is already dipicted in the bible. There were the children of a nice to God pastor who as offertery was collected they feasted on it. What about Judas the financial controller of Jesus' organisational funds? The universal Christian church is as weak as Jesus on the cross with two other humans killed on each side of him. The way, the truth and the life of all matters in this world of ours, is the strength of the Christian church! M7 shooting bullets at people all the way to state power believed it would save humanity by the use of military force. He is now begging the African church in his endeavour to help him succeed!